Record Viewer/Family history

From Voror_Wiki

Family history displays significant health conditions for a person related to the patient relevant in the context of care for the selected patient.

Use this section to help you to:

View Family history

  1. Example Family history screen
    Access Record Viewer.
  2. If required, in the Record Viewer navigation side menu, click Family history .
    Family history displays the following details for the selected patient:
    Patient demographic bar
    The selected patient's demographic details (name, address, gender, usual GP, NHS number organisation, date of birth, and registration status are displayed throughout Record Viewer.
    Click Swap patient to select and view details for a different patient.
    • Family history
    • Effective date
    • Practitioner
    • Date of encounter
  3. Click to expand specific conditions and display the following details:
    • Source of data
    • Practitioner
Use a text search to narrow down the displayed items; matching items are displayed as you type the required search term.

See also: